
“Pleasant, funny, incredibly accurate and the real deal!”

– M. Crothers, Canada


What is Mediumship and why get a reading?

The top three methods for you to confirm you are a spiritual being having a human experience, are; remembering your past lives, have a near-death experience (NDE), and though mediumship.

Mediumship is the gift of communicating with the deceased. As a Medium, Diane Wargalla forms a bridge between our Physical World and the Spirit World, and acts as an intermediary, a translator of sorts, between the living and the dead.

Sometimes referred to as a; Psychic Medium

To clarify, all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums! Psychics are people born with a high sense of intuition, sometimes referred to as the “sixth sense,” which is developed by breaking through limiting beliefs, and though practice. It also means that they can pick up on information about a person’s past, present, future, or all three. You were born intuitive and can easily develop your own “sixth sense” skills through Diane’s Spiritual Coaching.

As a Medium, Diane can connect to the non-physical Spirit World. In addition to having finely tuned psychic abilities, she can also shift her own energy to hear, perceive, interpret symbols, and connect with the consciousness of those who have crossed over. It’s all about communicating with the dead, who aren’t really dead at all, but simply living in another dimension as demonstrated by mediumship.

Your deceased friends and loved ones, which include your pets, come to let you know they are still a part of your life, to provide closure, and bring healing.

Following a Mediumship session, Diane Wargalla’s clients have reported receiving…

  • Peace of mind
  • Ability to heal
  • Closure
  • Clarity
  • Answers
  • Direction
  • The gift of one more conversation
  • Assurance their loved ones are okay, and at peace.
  • Helped them to move forward with their life.

Book your mediumship reading today

Do you want closure (maybe you never got to say goodbye), comfort, the ability to heal, receive answers, have one more conversation, and/or spiritual counselling? A mediumship reading might be for you!


60 Minute - Phone or Zoom Video Conferencing: CA$199

Please note: Online payment to be completed upon scheduling, or the booking is forfeited.

Fee Includes Diane Wargalla’s preparation of the reading prior to your arrival.


Group Reading: Contact the Office for Personalized Pricing

Please note: Online payment to be completed upon scheduling, or the booking is forfeited.

Fee Includes Diane Wargalla’s preparation of the reading prior to your arrival.

Living Supernatural in the Natural World: Never Underestimate Your Ability
Now available on Amazon:

Living Supernatural in the Natural World:
Never Underestimate Your Ability

“As we each tap into our ability to communicate with the world beyond what our eyes can see, we expand our insight and express our potential to create a life of greater happiness and a world of greater peace. That is the gift that Living Supernatural in the Natural World offers.”

– Marci Shimoff